National MSME Conclave-2023 is a Vendor Development Programme (VDP) jointly organized by MSME Development and Facilitation Office (DFO) Jaipur and Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur during 21-22 September 2023 at Jodhpur Club, IIT Jodhpur. The aim is to provide common platform for business as well as Govt. organizations to inter-act with each other with a view to identifying emerging demands of the buyer organizations while simultaneously providing an opportunity for displaying the capabilities of the small-scale entrepreneur’s innovative products and their industrial ventures/start-ups. This programme will be of immense use in western part of Rajasthan in particular and country as a whole for the entrepreneurs by a number of buying organizations including the Public Sector Enterprises, various Wings of Defense, Railways , CPSUs and others in indigenising a number of products which before have been imported at a massive cost. There will also Technology - Knowledge sharing sessions and panel discussions during two days program by CPSUs, Govt. Departments, Technology providers, etc. on Vendor Registration procedure, product requirements, Technologies, Export, GeM, Marketing, etc. along with Tech Exhibitions of products by various stakeholders.
Engineering, Industry4.0, AI, Electronics, MedTech, Medical Equipment, Instrumentation, Steel Rolling, Sheet Metal, SS utensils, Precision Machining, Packaging, Agro-Food, Food Processing, EV, Green Energy, Solar, Mineral- Stone - Slurry Research & New product development, Handicraft, Leather, Apparel, etc.
- Line Ministries
- Start-ups/Prospective Entrepreneurs
- MSME want to become vendor of CPSUs/ Defence/Line ministries
- Associations/ Clusters/ MSMEs for collaboration with IIT Jodhpur
Advisory Committee:
Shri V. K. Sharma, Director, MSME-DFO, Jaipur, Co-Chairman
Prof. S. R. Vadera, Deputy Director, IIT Jodhpur, Member
Shri R. V. Hara Prasad, Director, DLJ-DRDO Jodhpur, Member
Dr. O.P. Yadav, Director, ICAR-CAZRI Jodhpur, Member
Prof. G.H.S Prasad, Director, NIFT Jodhpur, Member
Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Dean (Academics), AIIMS Jodhpur, Member
Shri S. L. Paliwal, GM, DIC – Jodhpur, Govt. of Rajasthan, Member
Shri K. K. Roy, Advisor, Industry-Academia interface, IIT Jodhpur, Member
Dr. J. S. Toteja, CEO JCKIF, IIT Jodhpur, Member
Working Committee
Ram Prakash, IIT Jodhpur, Coordinator MSME Conclave
Venkat Ram Reddy Ganuthula, Coordinator Exhibition
Jitesh Mohan, IIT Jodhpur, Member
Sanjay Meena, MSME-DFO Jaipur, Member
Vignesh Mohan, IITJ-TISC, Member
Ravi Bhandari, IITJ JCKIF, Member
Manas Bairagi, IITJ TIH-iHub-Drishti, Member
Balram Meena, MSME-DFO Jaipur, Member
Deepak Gautam, IITJ TISC, Member
Day-1: 21st Sept., (10AM – 5.00 PM)
- Vendor Development: Defence, CPSU, Govt. Dept., etc.
- Tech Significado: Up scaling & Business Opportunities through IIT Jodhpur (TISC, Tech Park, JCKIF, IITJ TIH-iHub Drishti) & Others
- Tech Talks: by scholars and industry experts
- Panel Discussions: Sand Stone Waste slurry Gainful Utilization, Silicosis, etc. by Technology Experts from IIT Jodhpur, AMPRI, CBRI, MNIT- Jaipur, etc.
Day-2: 22nd Sept., (10AM – 5.00 PM)
- How MSME can Export
- GeM Platform for MSMEs/Startups, Digital Marketing
- Schemes of Central Govt., Rajasthan Govt., Banks etc.
- SC-ST Hub scheme & PPP of Ministry of MSME
- Panel Discussion: Value addition in Food-Spices through Technologies Spice Board by Technology Experts from CAZRI, APEDA, Technology providers, etc.
- Panel Discussion: Strengthening Handicraft through Design-Development-Export by Technology Experts from NIFT, FDDI, DC(Handicraft), NABARD, JCKIF, EPCH, etc.
Further details will be available soon.
TECH EXHIBITION (21 & 22 Sept.2023, 10 AM -5 PM)
- Expo: Exhibition of products, prototypes, and services designed by CPSUs, OEMs, Govt. Dept. & Innovative products of start-ups, GI products, Technology providers, products of IIT Jodhpur for B2B & B2G interaction
Awards will be given in different categories
Further details will be available soon.
Association Support
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
N.H. 62, Nagaur Road,
Jodhpur 342037
Rajasthan (India)
dcdi-jaipur@dcmsme.gov.in & msme-conclave23@iitj.ac.in
0141-2210553, 9649887496, 8427773421, 0291-2801615, 7014639746